Saints Bot In The Community

Saints Bot #4688 has been working each year to improve and grow our outreach to our community. Over the past five years, our team has given insight to students, parents, families, and friends all throughout the Windsor-Essex community by spreading the knowledge of FIRST and S.T.E.M with them.

By participating in community events, hosting information booths, and promoting FIRST and S.T.E.M within the community, it allows our team to follow our vision and keep the mission of FIRST alive.

Our team loves to work in the community. You can find us at school visits, parades, festivals, hockey games, and more! At these events you will see us having fun, driving our robot(s), talking to the community, and promoting FIRST and S.T.E.M. A calendar of all of our community events is coming soon, so stay tuned!

The following video represents what FIRST is about, and below you will also find galleries for our outreach events.

Credit: FIRST

Community Outreach Galleries

Click on one of the logos below to see our galleries from the events.